Dr Charlene Janion-Scheepers
Principle Investigator

I am a terrestrial ecologist and invertebrate physiologist. I am especially interested in the adaptation and plasticity of organisms’ responses to climate change and how these responses differ between introduced and indigenous species.

Dr Juliette Chassain
Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a soil ecologist focusing my research on soil organisms and soil functioning in agricultural areas. I am mostly interested in the impacts of various cropping practices on the taxonomic and functional diversity of soil macro-, meso- and microorganisms…

Abusisiwe Ndaba
PhD Candidate

I am investigating the impacts of long-term climate trends and elevation on arthropod diversity.

Atiyeh Naghizadeh
PhD Candidate

My research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the impact non-pollinator fig wasps have on the success of pollinators, which is crucial for the propagation of fig trees.

Mia Vermaak
PhD Candidate

The focus of my research is to establish the trophic ecology of Acari and Collembola in agroecosystems by integrating field observations with laboratory trails.

Gemma Walker
PhD Candidate

I am investigating food security through soil health looking at the impact of soil management practices on soil biota and crop productivity

Lindiwe Khoza
PhD Candidate

My Research involves determining and monitoring baseline taxonomic and functional diversity of above- and below-ground terrestrial invertebrates.

Dean Erasmus
MSc Candidate

My research will form a baseline dataset of Réunion Collembola to be used for monitoring and ecological research.

Coşkun Küçükkaragöz
MSc Candidate

My research is to assess changes in ground-dwelling beetle assemblages across an altitudinal gradient in the Cederberg Wilderness Area.

David Klop
MSc Candidate

I am studying the species composition and biodiversity of stoneflies in the Cape and examining the conditions of the rivers they live in.

Holly Kellett
Honours Student 

My honours project assesses the effects of the Marion Island’s invasive house mice on invertebrate communities using the more pristine Prince Edward Island as a baseline for comparison.

Abdul Ghaseeb Jacobs
Research Assistant

I’m a researcher with a passion for the biological sciences, particularly in entomology, soil ecology, sustainable agriculture, and all their related politics. I find soil ecology especially fascinating as a field of study and…